Equities Healthcare
Mater Dei (MATD3) – 3Q24: Slightly negative results, margins remain pressured
Rafael Barros, CFA
Rafael Barros, CFARafael Barros, CFA

Healthcare & Education

Raphael Elage
Raphael ElageRaphael Elage

Healthcare & Education

Mater Dei (MATD3) – 3Q24: Slightly negative results, margins remain pressured
Equities Tech TMT (Tech, Media, and Telecom)
Allied (ALLD3): Weaker than expected
Bernardo Guttmann
Bernardo GuttmannBernardo Guttmann

Tech, Media e Telecom (TMT)

Allied (ALLD3): Weaker than expected
Equities Homebuilders Real Estate
Moura Dubeux (MDNE3): Remarkable Bottom-Line Expansion and Initial Dividend Payout – 3Q24 Earnings Review
Ygor Altero
Ygor AlteroYgor Altero

Real Estate

Ruan Argenton
Ruan ArgentonRuan Argenton

Analista de Real Estate

Moura Dubeux (MDNE3): Remarkable Bottom-Line Expansion and Initial Dividend Payout – 3Q24 Earnings Review
Capital Goods Equities Industrials
Randoncorp (RAPT4): Slow But Ongoing Profitability Recovery Trend; 3Q24 Review
Lucas Laghi
Lucas LaghiLucas Laghi

Head of Metals & Mining, Pulp & Paper and Capital Goods

Fernanda Urbano
Fernanda UrbanoFernanda Urbano

Capital Goods Analyst

Guilherme Nippes
Guilherme NippesGuilherme Nippes

Metals & Mining and Pulp & Paper Analyst

Randoncorp (RAPT4): Slow But Ongoing Profitability Recovery Trend; 3Q24 Review
Equities Rental Transportation
Movida (MOVI3): 3Q24 Results – Positive Rental Performance, Tariffs are the Highlight Again
Pedro Bruno
Pedro BrunoPedro Bruno

Transportation and Capital Goods

Matheus Sant'anna


Movida (MOVI3): 3Q24 Results – Positive Rental Performance, Tariffs are the Highlight Again

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